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RecruitSites User Guide

Learn how to use JobTarget RecruitSites to host your open roles.

A RecruitSite is a customizable career site to host job postings for job seekers applying to your open positions. RecruitSites were made for recruiters with al levels of technical skills in mind. By following a few simple steps, your site will be created seamlessly in not time! 

Once your RecruitSite is live, you will have a mobile and desktop-optimized career site with your available job openings for applicants to apply to. Manage and create new sites at your convenience and use alongside additional JobTarget tools to assist with your job advertising journey. 

This guide covers:

  • Accessing RecruitSites
  • Creating a RecruitSite
  • Designing a RecruitSite 
  • Managing a RecruitSite
  • Setting up an Autoposter
  • Viewing your RecruitSite as a Job Seeker

Accessing RecruitSites

You can access RecruitSites by clicking the tile on your Dashboard or by clicking "More Apps" in the navigation bar. 

Once you click into RecruitSites, you'll land on the RecruitSites Dashboard where you can create and manage your sites. 

Creating a RecruitSite

If you're creating your first RecruitSite... 

You will see a tile that says "Built your first RecruitSite" with a "Get Started" button. Click on "Get Started" or the "Create New Site" button in the top right corner. 

If you already have a RecruitSite and want to create a new one.... 

Click the "Create New Site" button in the top right corner. 

After selecting "Get Started" or "Create New Site", you will land on the Site Information page and will fill out the details for your new RecruitSite. 

RecruitSite Name and URL

Start by naming your RecruitSite in the "RecruitSite Name" field. Your company RecruitSite name is important because it will be incorporated into the URL you will share with applicants. 

Tips for naming your site:

  • Include your company name to make it easy to identify and easy to find when job seekers search for your company and share it with others. 
    Example: JobTarget
  • If you have multiple RecruitSites or want a page dedicated to a specific department for your site, you can use the division name in your URL. For example, use the geographic region or the department the jobs are listed for. 
    Example: recruitsite.com/jobtarget-product-development

Selecting Divisions

The next field prompts you to "Select the division(s) associated with this RecruitSite".

Here you will be able to select which divisions you want to associate with this site which will determine which jobs are available to include on that site. For example, you might have divisions set up for specific offices or regions, and only want jobs from those divisions associated with this site. 

Once the divisions are selected, click "Save". This will create your RecruitSite and you will see your new site on your RecruitSite Dashboard. 

⚠️ Please Note: If your company does not have multiple divisions, you may only see one option available with the single division name. 

Designing a RecruitSite

The "Design" tab offers tools available for personalizing your RecruitSite and reflecting your company's unique branding. By customizing your site to align with your brand identity, you can enhance the job application experience for candidates and establish our logo as a recognizable symbol to potential job seekers. 

Upload your company logo

Either drag and drop an image file onto the screen or clicking "Choose File" and select the image file you want to use. 

File size should be no larger than 200kb and the file can be an SVG, PNG, or JPG. 

Once the file is uploaded, click "Save" and the logo will be displayed on your site. 

You can navigate to your site to see how the logo displays. 

Career Site View:

Job application view:

Manage a RecruitSite

You can manage the jobs associated with your RecruitSite in the "Jobs" tab. In the "Jobs" tab you will be able to search for, add, or remove jobs for your RecruitSite. 

Search for Jobs 

You can find jobs by keywords in the job title, RecruitSite Status, or by Division. 

Search By Use the search bar and input keywords mentioned in your title to easily find a specific job
RecruitSite Status Filter and view all of your unlisted jobs and select the "unlisted" status from the drop-down menu. This will show jobs that are currently not on your site that are available for you to add. 
Divisions Select the division where the jobs originated from. For example, if you have a nursing division specific to nursing jobs. 

Add Jobs 

Add a single job or multiple jobs at a time to your RecruitSite. You can select your unlisted jobs by locating the RecruitSite Status and selecting the "Unlisted" status, and the jobs that are currently not posted to a RecruitSite will appear. 

Check the box for each job you would like to add to your RecruitSite and click "Add to Site". Your jobs will now be live on your RecruitSite and available for job seekers to apply to your job postings. 

Remove Jobs 

Remove jobs from the list by selecting the "RecruitSite Status" drop-down and selecting "Listed Jobs". Select the jobs you want to remove and click "Remove" and then confirm that you want to remove those jobs. 

⚠️Please Note: Removing a job removes its visibility and accessibility from the RecruitSite, preventing further job seekers from submitting applications for that particular position. 

Setting Up an AutoPoster

Save time by leveraging the auto-posting feature to send job postings to automatically post job to your RecruitSite based on logic you set up. 

Start by clicking "Manage Site" on the RecruitSite you want to set up an AutoPoster for. Then, click on the "AutoPosters" tab and the "Create New AutoPoster" button. 

This will open a pop-up where you can select the division(s) you want to auto-post jobs from. 

Click "Create" and any new jobs associated with that division will now automatically be added to the designated RecruitSite. 

View Your RecruitSite as a Job Seeker

If you want to see what job seekers see when they interact with your RecruitSite, you can do so by clicking on the URL on the site card. 

RecruitSites and the JobTarget Platform

The JobTarget Platform includes a range of tools that you can use alongside your RecruitSite to easily manage your jobs and candidates, and improve the job seeker experience. 

Job Manager

Job Manager allows you to manage and edit your organization's job postings from one central location in JobTarget. You will be able to view, edit, stop, and advertise your jobs. If you need to view the status of job posting, you can quickly search by keywords or job status. 

📄 To learn more, check out the Job Manager User Guide.

Candidate Manager

Manage all candidates from one central place. 

📄 To learn more, check out the Candidate Manager User Guide.

Job Description Builder

Use AI to instantly build out job descriptions for your roles. AI can help generate responsibilities for your jobs. 

📄 Learn more about Job Description Builder.

Easy Apply

Provide job seekers with a streamlined, fully optimized application experience that can increase conversions by up to 4x. Easy Apply is already included in RecruitSites. 

📄 Learn more about Easy Apply.