The number of configured Supported States, as well as the Supported State Cap, can be found in the JobTarget OFCCP Compliance Post App.
The JobTarget OFCCP Compliance Post product functions as slots, depending on the number of Supported States outlined in your contract. To check how many Supported State Slots you have available to you, and how many are currently in use, navigate to the OFCCP Compliance Post application.
- Log in to JobTarget
- Navigate to the OFCCP Compliance Post App
- This can be found from the dashboard, or by clicking 'More Apps' in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
The banner will be located underneath the search/filter toolbar.
This banner will outline how many Supported States are configured on your account, and how many slots are available before you reach your cap.
You will also be able to click 'View/Add States' to see a list of which states are configured as Supported States in your account.
To add a new supported state, see: